Carpet Cleaning in Brisbane today
I have been cleaning carpets for 16 years and have seen changes with regards to technology and advancements with achieving an amazing result
There are 3 Types of carpet on the market today
Wool, Nylon and Polypropylene
Wool's good points
Feels great to touch and nice and soft
Natural fibre
hides dirt a little better then Poly
Wool's Bad points
Harder to clean
Is prone to be eaten by a tiny moth
Difficult to remove dye or rust stains
Expensive to buy
Nylons good points
Easier to clean
Much tougher then Wool and much more durable
Much easier to remove difficult stains
Will withstand some UV light exposure
Nylons Bad Points
Not as soft as wool
Not always able to remove dye stains
Polypropylene Good Points
Really easy to clean ( If cleaned correctly)
Extremely durable and hard wearing
Great for a rental property
Polypropylene Bad Points
Pure plastic carpet and feels hard to touch
dragging heavy furniture will leave a friction burn on the carpet
Really sensitive to heat like dropping a cigarette on the carpet will leave a significant burn mark
Free Advice for stains give me a call on 0414459500